Get The One Book Millions Method Today for $4.99 and...

I'll Show You How I Used One Book To Simplify Marketing and Sales, Get Clients, and Scale to $100k/mo

The One Book Millions Method

Inside this Book, I'll Show You How I Wrote a Non-Fiction Book Fast, Sell 50 - 150 Copies Per Day, and Nurture Readers So They Become Clients. You'll Also Get a Plan to Write a Non-Fiction Book in 14 Days.

Compelling Headline Here To Hook Them In

One sentence that sells the RESULTS and BENEFITS of your offer.

Dear Entrepreneur, Coach, Agency Owner, or Service Provider:

Want to see how to grow a business to $100k/mo by selling books like the one you can get on this page?

Do you want to see how to quickly write a book and get clients because of your book?

Would you like to get the method I use to sell 50 - 150 books per day and turn book readers into clients for my services?

Ready to use a book to grow an email list of readers who can't wait to hear from you or buy more of your products or services?

In 2018, when it was time to scale my own coaching business...

...I decided to do it the simple, peaceful, and predictable way:

I wrote a short book and started selling 50 - 150 copies per day using the method you'll learn inside my book, The One Book Millions Method.

That one book allowed me to reach millions of people and grow my coaching business to consistent $100k months. Peacefully and predictably.

Since then, I've perfected this method selling books and using books to get clients for coaching programs, services, and more.

I've repeated the process 100s of times and my team and I have worked directly with many of the experts you see selling non-fiction books to get clients right now.

I've used it multiple times for myself too. Just the book you see on this page added $5M/year to my coaching business.

Want to see how?

This Book Gives You My Step-by-Step Plan to Sell 50 - 150 Books Per Day and Get Clients Because of the Book.


If you want to reach more people...

If you're ready to become a recognized expert...

If you want to have your own high quality email list that's packed with people who love reading and hearing from you...

If you have a course you'd like to sell more seats in or a coaching program with space for more clients...

If you sell digital information online and you'd like a simple way to sell more of what you have...

And as long as you are actually willing to help people with your knowledge and expertise...

The book you can get on this page will show you how to...

Simplify Marketing and Sales with a Book.

Inside The One Book Millions Method, I'll share with you the exact process I use to quickly write a book that can grow almost any business that serves others. This is a 14 day process from idea to finished book.

Then, I'll share how I sell 50 - 150 copies of books just like this one at NET ZERO in advertising costs.

(that means ZERO money lost on running ads like the one you saw to get here)

Inside the book, you'll also discover 100s of lessons that I've learned writing books, selling books, and using books to get clients.

Plus, I'll reveal the step-by-step method I use to turn book readers into clients for my coaching programs and services....

Selling 1,000s of Copies Per Month, Growing a Following, and Doing it ALL Without Losing Money On Paid Ads!

Let me show you some of the stuff that coaches, experts, agency owners, and digital product creators have done using the strategy you'll discover inside The One Book Millions Method:


“My book went live 11 weeks ago...and the past 6 weeks I’ve made over $30,000 in coaching income..."


“This is the method I’ve been looking for.
No posting stuff on social all day, no free funnel of a book that no one reads.”


“For Every Book Buyer...$62.71 in Sales Right Away That's BEFORE Sales of My Coaching Program!"


“$1k Per Day...Just From Book Buyers Alone!"


“Revenue Has Been Above $100k per Month...for the 3rd Month in a Row without Any Big Promotions or Launches"


"Adding New Paying Customers (Book Readers!) to My Email List Every Day!"

Get Your Copy Today!

The One Book Millions Method

The One Book Millions Method

The book I have for sales on this page is called The One Book Millions Method because that's exactly what it is:

It's the method I use to grow coaching businesses, expert businesses, and agencies to 7+ figures per year using one book.

You can buy it if you want.

It's only $4.99.

If you like it, maybe you'll become a client and my team and I can guide you through the process for writing a book that helps people, selling the book, and using a book to get clients.

Or not.

But, either way, it's a good book that outlines the best of what I've learned in the past 10+ years of using books to grow businesses online.

Here's Some of What You'll Discover Inside this Book:

  • How writing a short, simple book can bring in 20+ qualified sales conversations per day for premium-priced offers and services...

  • How to come up with powerful "Book Hooks" ensuring your book attracts the right prospects...

  • How to price your book for maximum results based on your specific goals (HINT: Cheap might not be the the right strategy for you - sometimes selling a book for $67 or more is the better move)...

  • How I spent less than 15 minutes per month on marketing and still get 25% month over month growth...

  • I survived major business burnout by making this one simple change in how I marketed and sold my premium offers and coaching programs (It's also what helped me increase my fees by 5x)...

  • How short books answer the 6 major questions all prospects ask before buying (KEY POINT: the book lets you pre-sell 100s of people per day, meaning less time selling your stuff)...

  • The 5 major problems facing every business owner in today's world and how to overcome them with The One Book Millions Method approach to writing a book and selling...

  • Why complexity is crushing your business and how to replace it all with one simple strategy that works...

  • The 6 things every good book needs in order to pre-sell, nurture, and move a reader into becoming a high paying client or customer...

  • Why delivering "Results in Advance" is the #1 strategy for breaking through 100k months (HINT: A book helps to make this much easier)...

  • Why "hard work & hustle" is a risky marketing strategy these days and how to replace the #hustlementality with a smarter system for growth...

  • How I'm able to take 4 week vacations and experience higher revenue and sales than if I'd stayed home and put in the grinding long hours working in or on my business...

  • The one thing all business owners must do if they want to scale (it's not what you think, because hardly anyone is doing it)...

  • The only 4 webpages you'll need to sell thousands of copies of your book and turn those readers into high-end clients and customers...

  • How to get someone else to write a book for you, in your voice, with our ideas that showcases your experience without every having to touch the keyboard...

  • The Balancing Act equation that guarantees success in selling any book...

  • The 3 types of automated emails I use to turn book readers into clients...

  • How to add "upgrades" to your book to generate more revenue, do better pre-selling for your high end offers, and offset ad costs at scale...

  • The real reason book readers are better than free leads obtained through webinars or lead magnets (HINT: It's all about measured behavioral intent)...

  • The #1 problem with The One Book Millions Method and why it might not be the right fit for your business...

  • 3 ways to come up with book ideas that will sell...

  • The "offer design sequence" I use to turn a $5 book reader into a $100k/year client...

  • 4 things every good One Book Millions Method strategy has to have in order to scale to selling 100+ copies per day...

  • The 7 steps to writing a book quickly (I like to write a new book per quarter if I can because every book I write grows my business by 100% or more)...

  • The right way and wrong way to use Amazon to sell your book...

  • And a whole lot more...

The book also includes self-assessments, exercises, example downloads, and more to help you get started with The One Book Millions Method today.

It Works Even If You Don't Want to Write a Book.

Transparency time:

I usually spend less than a week working on the books that are growing my business. I'm a busy dude, that's all the time I have to spare.

Also, most of the students in my coaching program don't really want to write a book either.

This is really about what a book can give them:

Freedom from hustle...

Better qualified prospects for coaching programs...

A simplified sales process (or even no more sales calls at all!)...

Helping offset advertising costs so that they can reach more people without spending more money (or doing manual work on social media)...

Building authority and trust, becoming known in their industry, and enjoying the peace of mind that comes from being a "go to" source of help for the people they can help the most...

Celebrity status, media appearances, and much, much more...

Get Your Copy Right Now For Just $4.99

And You’ll Receive ALL of these Bonuses for FREE:

Bonus 1. 7 x 7-Figure Book Selling Breakdowns

Bonus #1:

7 x 7-Figure Book Selling Breakdowns

Here’s How the Top 1% of Marketers Are Selling Books and Getting Clients With Their Books

Ready to see how other coaches, consultants, agencies, service providers and digital course creators are using books in their marketing?  

In this 7 x 7-Figure Funnel Breakdown Training, you’ll see how the Top 1% of marketers are using books as new customer acquisition tools in their businesses.

Bonus #2:

3 Clients Per Day With a Short Book

How We Turn $4.99 Book Buyers into $3k - $30k+ Clients in About 7 Days Using a Book and Simple Follow-Up

Inside this bonus training, 3 Clients Per Day With a Short Book, you’ll discover the process we use to turn $4.99 book buyers into premium clients for $3k to $30k services and coaching programs..

Using a book to sell a high-ticket program, course, or service is a very different process than you might be used to seeing. 

In this training, you’ll get a better understanding of how book buyers interact with your brand and follow-up messages you can send after readers buy your book.

Bonus 2.3 Clients Per Day With a Short Book
Bonus 3. 3 Offers to 7-Figures

Bonus #3:

3 Offers to 7-Figures

Discover the 3 Offers That Help Agencies, Coaches, and Digital Course Creators Consistently Get to 7 Figures

The next bonus training you’ll receive when you purchase The One Book Millions Method is the 3 Offers to 7-Figures Workshop.

In this workshop you’ll discover the 3 types of offers every online business should have, especially if you offer a service or work with clients.

This 3-offer framework is how we consistently take $10k/mo and $20k/mo coaches, consultants, and freelancers to $100k and $200k months. 

Bonus #4:

Book Hook Workshop

How to Make Your Book Irresistible to the People You Can Help the Most

Ready to write a book that “hooks” the readers you want to reach the most…so they know at first glance that they have to have your book? 

During this “Book Hook” Workshop, you’ll create a compelling “Book Hook” for your book that will make your book stand out, increase sales, and bring just the right type of reader to you.

Your “Book Hook” will also mean that your readers will feel like they need to read your book ASAP. That means your book won’t just “sit on the shelf” it will be making an impact in the life of your readers starting with the very day they pick up a copy.

Bonus 4. Book Hook Workshop
Bonus 5 14-Day Writing Challenge

Bonus #5:

14-Day Writing Challenge

How to Write a Book in 14-Days…WITHOUT Using ChatGPT or AI Tools

Ready to see how even non-writers who have never written more than a 1000-word blog post are planning, writing, editing, and publishing 100-150 page books in just 14 days?

If you can speak passionately about a topic for just a couple of hours, you can have a compelling, high-quality book finished, edited, and published in 14 days or less.

This workshop will show you how and it’s included for FREE with your order today.

Bonus #6:

Sales Mastery

How We Effortlessly Close 40% - 60% of All Sales Conversations (Without “Selling”)

Looking to get clients from your book but don’t like to feel like you’re “selling?”

Don’t miss this 4-part bonus training on how to sell during sales conversations with book readers without “selling.”

In this course, you'll discover the 4-part system we use to close 40% - 60% of our sales conversations for coaching and services. 

You can use this process with ANY type of sales conversation, not just when talking to book readers. Get it today for free with your order of The One Book Millions Method.

Bonus 6. Sales Mastery
Bonus 7. Get the FREE Audiobook

Bonus #7:

Get the FREE Audiobook

The 6.5-Hour Audiobook Is Included When You Order Your Copy of The One Book Millions Method

Prefer listening to your books? 

Order now, and we'll include the 6.5+ hour professionally narrated audiobook version of The One Book Millions Method for free. 

Audio files are delivered directly, so you can listen on any device. Instructions are included to make enjoying the book easy.

The One Book Millions Method is available for a one-time payment of just $4.99. When you order today, you’ll get an immediate digital download plus all 7 of the bonuses listed above at no additional cost.

Order your digital copy today and get the exact method I’ve used to consistently add new clients and predictably run higher volumes of traffic to our offers.

Here’s What People Are Saying About The One Book Millions Method:

Get The One Book Millions Method + All 7 Bonuses

Get The One Book Millions Method + All 7 Bonuses

For Just $4.99

  • A Digital Copy of the One Book Millions Method

  • ​7 x 7-Figure Book Selling Breakdowns 

  • 3 Premium Clients Per Day Training

  • 3 Offers to 7-Figures Workshop

  • ​Book Hook Workshop

  • 14-Day Book Writing Challenge

  • ​Sales Mastery: 40% Close Rate System

  • 6.5-Hour Audiobook

Get Everything Above Today for

Just $4.99

Get your copy today and you’ll receive The One Book Millions Method digital book, the 6.5+ hour audiobook, a MOBI file for your e-reader or tablet, and 6 additional FREE bonuses!

365 Day Money Back Guarantee

Here’s a simple promise:

The One Book Millions Method will show you everything that I’ve told you about on this page and more.

If you’re not satisfied with the book for ANY reason…

...just let my team know with a quick email to, and they'll send you a refund for your book purchase. This is a one-year money-back guarantee!

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